Lower Level
MTH 010. Intermediate Algebra (3) A course covering properties of real numbers, exponents and radicals, algebra of polynomial and rational expressions, solutions of equations and inequalities and applications. This course does not satisfy any core requirement in mathematics. A C- or above is required to pass this course; otherwise, an NC (no credit) is assigned. Subsequent retakes will result in the student receiving a letter grade of (A-F). Corequisite: MTH 020
MTH 020. Intermediate Algebra Recitation (0) A course designed to bridge the gap between high school and college courses. Emphasis is on problem solving and study skills for Intermediate Algebra. Corequisite: MTH 010
MTH 103. Contemporary Mathematics (3) Techniques from mathematics that are directly applicable to many realistic problems. Topics include graph theory, scheduling, probability, statistics, election processes and game theory.
MTH 104. Social Justice Mathematics (3) (J) Utilizing mathematics as a tool to identify and study many realistic problems, all of which pertain to social justice. Potential topics include quantitative literacy, democracy and fairness, allocation of wealth, statistics and the history of mathematics.
MTH 111. Precalculus with Trigonometry (3) Analytic geometry; the concept of function with analysis of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, their properties, graphs, and use in applied problems. This course is intended for students planning to take MTH 121 or MTH 140. Prerequisite: MTH 010, satisfaction of placement criteria (based on high school mathematics background and College Board test scores), or equivalent demonstrated proficiency. A grade of C- or above is required to pass the course; otherwise, a NC (no credit) is assigned. Subsequent retakes will result in the student receiving a letter grade of (A-F).
MTH 112. Trigonometry (3) Elements of plane and spherical trigonometry with applications. Prerequisite: MTH 111, satisfaction of placement criteria (based on high school mathematics background and College Board test scores), or equivalent demonstrated proficiency.
MTH 121. Calculus I (4) Analytic geometry, functions, limits, continuity, the derivative and its applications, the integral and its applications. Prerequisite: MTH 111, satisfaction of placement criteria (based on high school mathematics background and College Board test scores), or equivalent demonstrated proficiency.
MTH 122. Calculus II (4) Applications of the integral, transcendental functions, techniques of integration, indeterminate limit forms, improper integrals and infinite series. Prerequisite: MTH 121.
MTH 140. Calculus with Business Applications (3) A survey of differential andintegral calculus with emphasis on applications to business problems. Prerequisite: MTH 111, satisfaction of placement criteria (based on high school mathematics background and College Board test scores), or equivalent demonstrated proficiency.
MTH 163. Basic Statistics for the Sciences (3) Organization and analysis of data; basic probability techniques and distributions; experimental design; hypothesis testing and statistical inference; linear regression, applications to engineering and the natural sciences. Prerequisite: MTH 010, satisfaction of placement criteria (based on high school mathematics background and College Board test scores), or equivalent demonstrated proficiency.
MTH 190. Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (3) Sets, number systems, basic number theory, and geometry. This course does not satisfy any core requirements in mathematics and is only open to Early Childhood and Elementary Education majors.
MTH 192. Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (3) Modeling arithmetic and algebraic operations, geometry fundamentals, and coordinate geometry. This course does not fulfill the mathematics core requirement and is only open to Early Childhood and Elementary Education majors.
MTH 221. Linear Algebra (3) Matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: MTH 122.
MTH 223. Calculus III (4) Vectors and analytic geometry in space, differential and integral calculus of functions of two or more variables, applications. Prerequisite: MTH122.
MTH 261. Differential Equations (3) Methods of solution and applications of standard types of ordinary differential equations and systems of ordinary differential equations including series and numerical solutions. Prerequisite: MTH 122.
Upper Level
MTH 301. Introduction to Abstract Mathematics (3) (W) Sets, relations, functions, cardinality and techniques of proof in mathematics. Prerequisites: MTH 122 and PHL 101. MTH 303. Mathematical Logic (3) Basic ideas of logical structure, sentential theory of inference, introduction to first order predicate logic with assigned readings for independent study. Prerequisite: PHL 101.
MTH 311. Numerical Methods (3) Study of algorithms for solving mathematical problems (such as roots of equations, differentiation, integration, initial and boundary value problems, solutions for systems of equations) by computation and error analysis of the computations. Prerequisites: MTH 122 and CIS 221.
MTH 315. Applied Mathematics I (3) Solutions of non-linear ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and applied problems that give rise to such equations. Prerequisite: MTH 323.
MTH 316. Applied Mathematics II (3) Linear vector spaces, function spaces, orthogonal polynomials, Fourier analysis and applications of group theory to problems in physics. Prerequisite:MTH315.
MTH 331. Foundations of Geometry (3) Incidence and order properties, Hilbert’s axioms, congruence of triangles, inequalities in triangles, absolute and non-Euclidean geometry, the parallel postulates and projective geometry. Prerequisite: MTH 122.
MTH 365. Probability and Statistics (3) Axioms and basic properties, sampling, combinatorics, random variables, probability and density functions, moments, standard distributions, central limit theorem, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and linearregression. Prerequisite: MTH 122.
MTH 399. Topics in Mathematics (1-3) A course designed to address the topics of special interest to the mathematics faculty. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite: MTH 122.
MTH 451. Basic Real Analysis (3) (W) The real number system, topology of the line, limits, continuity, differentiation, theory of integration, sequences and series of functions. Prerequisites: MTH 301 and MTH 323.
MTH 462. Vector Calculus (3) Curvilinear coordinates, differentiation and integration of vector functions, divergence theorem, curl, Stoke’s theorem, conservative fields, orthogonal transformations. Prerequisite: MTH 323.
MTH 464. Complex Variables (3) Arithmetic and geometry of complex numbers, complex functions, analytic and harmonic functions, elementary functions, complex integration, series representations, residue theory and conformal mapping. Prerequisites: MTH 301 and MTH 323.
MTH 465. Problem Solving in Actuarial Science (1-3) Preparation for either ExamP or Exam FM of the Society of Actuaries. May be repeated for credits as topics vary. Prerequisite:MTH 122. \
MTH 468. Operations Research (3) Mathematical methods of optimization, linear programming, dynamic programming, network analysis, probabilistic models in decision making, queuing theory and Markov processes. Prerequisite: MTH 365.
MTH 470. Mathematical Modeling (3) (W) Deterministic and probabilistic mathematical methods applied to various disciplines featuring diverse applications which are not usually treated in other upper-division mathematics courses. Prerequisites: One 300 or 400 level MTH course.
MTH 471. Computational Science Laboratory (0-3) Computation in mathematics and the sciences. May be repeated for credits as topics vary. Prerequisite:MTH122
MTH 481. Introduction to Topology (3)Topological spaces, connectedness, compactness, continuous-function separation axioms, product space and additional topics to be selected by instructor. Prerequisite: MTH 451.
MTH 482. Abstract Algebra (3) (W) Groups, subgroups, factor groups, homomorphism theorems, rings, ideals, factorization theory, fields, modules and vector spaces. Prerequisite: MTH 301.
MTH 483. Number Theory (3) Selected topics from number theory such as divisibility, congruences, Diophantine equations, prime number theorem, quadratic reciprocity. Prerequisite: MTH 301.
MTH 491. Seminar (1) (O) Capstone experience for mathematics majors, covering topics of interest not covered in other courses, varying from year to year. Prerequisites: MTH 451, MTH 464 or MTH 482.
MTH 499. Advanced Topics in Mathematics (1-3) A coursed designed to address the topics of special interest to the mathematics faculty. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite: MTH 301.